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IES organized the first International Students Department Design Competition

2016-11-08 13:44:00 点击:[]

On October 31st, 2016, IES organized the first International Students Department Design Competition in our school meeting room. IES's Dean , Professor ChengJian , Deputy Dean Professor ZhangXiYing , Deputy Dean,Professor HeYi and two teachers from art school as the judge.

This competition include two phases, Public Judge Phase and Specialists Judge Phase. There are three excellent groups went through the first phase into the second phase. The international students show their designs by PPT. During the competition the international students displayed their imaginations and thought up many feasible ideas, which showed their cleverness and talent.

This activity gave opportunity to student to decorate their own dormitory, which strengthen their sense of dormitory cultural development responsibility; using the international students' design to decorate the dormitory corridor gave the international students the feeling of belonging, and made them easier to integrate into their study and life in China. This competition received a complete success.


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