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2016-2017 School Year Second Semester Class Meeting for International Students in International Education School

2017-03-20 12:31:59 点击:[]

On March 3, International Education School held 2016-2017 school year second semester class meeting for international students. All the faculty staff and international students attended the meeting.

Professor Wang Chengyun, the Dean of IES gave an introduction of the Secretary of CPC Party LI Gang to international students who are from more than 40 countries and areas. He hoped that international students abide by the laws and regulations, work hard and support the school’s work to participate the activities actively.

The coodinator stressed on the importance of abiding by the university regulations, especially made a special emphasis on safety and cleanliness of dorms and kitchens. She announced the measures of rewards and punishment for international students and did sports meeting mobilization to encourage international students to participate in it actively. Finally, the name list of new semester’s contactors was given by the coordinators to improve service quality of IES and self-management of international students.

This class meeting aims to help international students to know well about all kind of regulations in our university and make them all adapt to the new life and study environment in China. http://news.heuet.edu.cn/news/?type=detail&id=3401

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