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IES Won Prize in 2016 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners Across the Global

2016-06-21 16:37:58 点击:[]

On June 18, 2016, three international students from International Education School went to Capital University of Economics and Business to attend 2016 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners Across the Global preliminary (Beijing Division).

Passy Charles Riseph (Congo), Adesina Kehinde Bolu (Nigeria) and Katriena Cheryl Wong (Fiji)put their own efforts into exertion, and showed their personal charm and their understand of Chinese language culture. Passy Charles Riseph made his way to top ten lists to the next round competition.

This competition was hosted by Confucius Institutions Headquarter and China Central Television(CCTV); and held by CCTV-4 and Capital University of Economics and Business. More than forty students come from twenty- two nations attended this competition.

CCTV and China News have reported the competition.

(Edited: Zhang Jinzhe Photo: Zhang Jinzhe)

A picture of award ceremony

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