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2016 Degree Awarding &Graduation Ceremony for International Student of HUEB

2016-06-23 15:46:32 点击:[]

On June 18, 2016 Degree Awarding &Graduation Ceremony for International Student of HUEB was held in the meeting center. Chairman Dong Zhaowei of the Party committee addressed the ceremony, Member of the Party committee Chen Liang announced the degree decisions, meanwhile the leaders of related schools, supervisors, all the IES staff and international students attended the ceremony.

Dong Zhaowei expressed his sincere congratulations on international students’ completion of study in China and appreciated IES rapid development since its establishment. International students’ quantity, classifications and countries have changed so greatly. He hoped that the graduates would have opportunities to return to the university, and wished that all of them would be messengers of peace and friendship for foreign countries and China.

Chen Liang announced the degree decisions on international master and bachelor students of HUEB by the academic degree committee.

The representative teacher Prof. Li Qing, representative graduate student Syndie and representative international student Charles separately congratulated their graduation. All the graduates expressed their affection for HUEB, they would propagandize Chinese culture and make contributions to communication with China.

Now IES totally has more than 100 international students for over 40 countries, including Chinese Government Scholarship students, Confucius Institute Scholarship students, Hebei Provincial Scholarship students, as well as major students and language students. Since IES establishment, the school has formulated and improved kinds of regulations, promote teaching quality, enlarge students enrollment and optimize students composition in order to achieve great development.

(Edited: Zhang Jinzhe Photo: Li Lantao)

Dong Zhaowei addressed the ceremony

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