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IES Held International Education Meeting

2016-07-01 16:27:34 点击:[]

On the afternoon of July 1, IES held the 2rd semester international education meeting of 2015-2016 school year. Dean Prof. Cheng Jian, Deputy Dean Prof. Zhang Xiying and Prof. Heyi attended the meeting, meanwhile, all the certified teacher and IES staff participated in the meeting.

Cheng Jian firstly appreciated IES international education achievements and required all the teachers obey teaching disciplines, standardize teaching sequence and strengthen self-learning.

Zhang Xiyinng summarized the teaching achievements and insufficiency in this semester on improving international educational system, promoting certified teachers regulations, implementing study trips, setting up excellent courses and strengthening teaching quality supervision. Meanwhile she pointed out the outstanding results of 18 international students passing HSK Grade 5 Examination.

As the representative teachers Liu Xinyuan and Liu Haiyun specifically share their teaching experience in Chinese language and major teaching in English.

(Edited: Zhang Jinzhe Photo: Zhang Wei)

A picture of IES international education meeting

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