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International Student Apartment Inspection and Class Meeting Held

2016-07-01 17:29:30 点击:[]

At June 30th, Deputy Dean of International Education School (IES), Prof. HE Yi led a group and checked around the International Education Apartment. The Apartment Superintendent, International Student Coordinator and 2 IES staff members joined the check. Attentions have been paid majorly to the fire equipment and safe use of electricity. They taught international students to keep an alert mind on safety and prevent accidents from occurrence .

At July 1st, the Last Meeting for the Second Semester of 2015/2016 Academic Year was held at the Media-Meeting Room. Prof. HE Yi, International Student Coordinator, 2 IES staff members and all international students attended the meeting. International Student Coordinator threw lots of appraisal on the international students who won prizes in some national contests and on some international students who were awarded with scholarships. He also seriously talked about the Safety Inspection and emphasize the importance of safe use of electricity and of the International Student Apartment Regulations. He finished his speech by giving instructions on the summer vacation affairs. Prof. HE Yi put emphasis on the safety issues again, and encourage international students to follow those prize winner students to get rewarded and to make contributions to the communication between China and foreign countries.

The inspection and class meeting were held before the summer vacation to strengthen international student safety management and arrange the affairs during the vacation. These acts have raised the international students’ awareness of safety and inspired them to work hard.

(Edited by Lantao LI)

Class Meeting for International Students

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