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2016 international student opening ceremony of HUEB

2016-09-05 13:25:23 点击:[]

In September 2nd, our university held the 2016 international student opening ceremony of HUEB. Ji LianGGang, who is HUEB’s deputy party secretary and President, attended and delivered a speech; the standing committee of HUEB Chen Liang, all the international students and 2016 international students attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by the president of IES, Cheng Jian.

Ji Lianggang on behalf of HUEB expressed our sincere congratulations and warm welcome to 2016 international students. He pointed out that in recent years our school has been expanding the enrollment scale, optimizing the structure of the students, pay close attention to the quality of teaching, therefore the education of international students has achieved leapfrog development. Ji Lianggang hop international students establish ambitious ideals, cherish learning opportunities, perceive China, understanding China, and finally turn into a emissary of communion between china and the world who know his own national situation, understand Chinese culture, have great ambitious and proficient in major.

Humanities college teacher Zhang Bo on behalf of the international students teacher gave a speech; Zambia student Mu shu, the United States students Matthew on behalf of the 2016 international students gave their speech.

Managers, coordinators and teachers of international students from the Propaganda Department of the Party committee of HUEB, international exchange center and cultivation colleges attended the ceremony.

( Edited by Qiao Hui)

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