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Entrance Education Activity for 2016 International Students of IES

2016-09-05 14:42:18 点击:[]

On September the second, International Education School has held the entrance education activity for 2016 international students. All staff of IES and 2016 international students attended the meeting.

Cheng Jian, dean of IES delivered a speech and expressed the warmest welcome to 67 new international students who are from 22 countries. He gave the brief introduction of IES and its staff. He pointed that International Education School of HUEB actively developed and standardized the international education management systems and regulations. IES is courage in innovation with expanding the scale of enrollment, to optimize the structure of international students and improving the quality of the equipment. He hoped that international student can obey the laws and regulations. No pains, no gains.

Teaching affairs and students managements affairs were described individually by deputy dean Zhang Xiying, and deputy dean He Yi.

The aim of the entrance education activities is to help the new students become familiar with the school environment, the characters of their majors and all regulations to adopt to the new school life as soon as possible.

( Edited by Qiao Hui)

photo of Entrance Education Activity

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