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HUEB Held Confucius Institute Day Activity

2016-09-29 16:04:49 点击:[]

On september 28, 2016, HUEB organized the activity of Confucius Institute Day. All internationalstudents of Confucius scholarship and coordinator participated in the activity.

There are two parts in the activity, "Question and Answer" Confucius knowledge contest and Poetry Recitation. In the process of knowledge contest, the international students always could give a good answer and very cheerful,which show a strong interest in Chinese culture. In Poetry Recitation, their cadenced and passionate reciting show their love for Chinese and Chinese culture.

The Confucius Institute Day Activity enhances the brand image and influences of Confucius Institute, and better satisfys the international students’ needs of learning Chinese and understanding of Chinese culture, strengthens the group-cohesion of Confucius institute scholarship students, the activity achieves good effect.

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