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Won Prizes in 2015 Cup of International Business Negotiation held by University of International Business and Economics

2015-10-20 14:13:03 点击:[]

On October 17-18, hosted by China National Committee for Business English Education and China Association of International Business Negotiation, 2015 Cup of International Business Negotiation was held in University of Business and Economics. The total 14 University, 15 teams from University of Business and Economics, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing Technology and Business University, Hainan University, Anhui University of Finance and Economics participated the competition. The students of our school, ALI WAHEED, SYED WAJID ALI SHAH, LAM CHONG, GILBERTO achieved outstanding results.

The team of international students and master students won the third prize. Ali got the title of excellent negotiator.

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