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Chinese Talk Show on “My Country and China” by International Students at Hebei University of Economics and Business

2014-12-01 14:18:47 点击:[]

On Nov. 28, International Education School of HUEB hosted a “I-talk” Chinese Talk Show on “My Country and China” by International Students at Hebei University of Economics and Business. This show is ordered to cultivate international students’ love to Chinese and improve their ability at public speech. Approximately 20 international students from more than 10 countries participated in.

Four boys from Nepal firstly showed their figures on floor and delivered their speech from the comparative perspectives of Chinese and Nepalese culture, history, geography and economy. One of them Manoj reedited the famous Beijing Olympic Song “You and me” won a big applause. “You and me, hand in hand, live in HUEB. Learn Chinese and share cultures, we are family”. Two lovely girls from Peru worked together presenting many pictures and explaining them to show Chinese culture in Peru. The last one to show is Roberta from Italy who talked in Chinese accurately and fluently about her country and China. Three Teachers in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language marked all participants’ performance. Six of them won the prices.

Mr Guoping Fan, Deputy Dean of International Education School, gave the final speech, celebrating the international students’ excellence in Chinese and encouraging them to keep on their study and to make contributions to cultural exchange between China and their own country.

(Edited by Lantao LI; photos by Lantao LI)

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