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Football Matches at HUEB

2014-12-09 16:44:42 点击:[]

The sunny Saturday at Shijiazhuang in this early winter does not mean warm as the freezing north wind blows. However, on November 30th and December 6th, the IES football team warmly had two friendship matches with the school team of Postgraduate School HUEB and university team of Shi JiaZhuang Tiedao University.

The first match with Postgraduate School team started as girls were cheering up outside, and ended with 3 to 1 as IES team won this match easily. In contrast, IES team fought a hard match with university team of Hebei Tiedao University with the final marks of 2 to 3. No matter wining or losing the game, friendships are the best gifts for all teams.

These two matches are rewarding with friendships as well as physical building-up. Since September this year, International Education School has held many activities to set up platforms of learning and communication for international students.

(Edited by Lantao LI; Photos by Lantao LI)

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