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Teaching Work Meeting of First Semester in 2014-2015 School Year

2015-01-09 14:20:55 点击:[]

On January 8th, international education schoolheld a teaching work meeting of first semester in 2014-2015 school year . The meeting mainly completes to summary the teaching work of this last year , arrange the teaching work of 2015 and interpret related teaching files. The meeting was held in Information Commons in the fifth floor of the library. All teachers,all the administrator of

international students and related staffs of international education school attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by vice-president Fan Guoping.

On the meeting, the dean, professor Cheng Jian introduced the work division of international education school to the teachers and administrators of international students. The deputy dean Fan Guoping introduced the enrollment work of foreign students briefly. The deputy dean, professor Zhang Xiying, summarized the teaching work of 2014, gave the teaching work arrangements of 2015. Then the deputy dean Zhang interpreted Foreign students teaching management regulations of Hebei university of economics and business, the computation method of teaching salary and the examination system of foreign students.Then the teachers gave their opinions of teaching work .

Finally, professor ChengJian, dean of international education school gave a summary statement. He emphasized that the functions of international education school are teaching units and the administrative department of foreign students. He require to promote the teaching work in 2015 vigorously , improve the system of admittance and evaluation system of teachers instructing in English, and constantly improve the teaching quality and accelerate the development of international education in our school.

(撰稿人:杜肖伟 摄影:李澜涛)

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